This is Bill Eager with a brief comment about Love Letters.There are countless ways to articulated love, but the most enduring and most cherished will always remain the unique love letter. The best love letters come from the heart. When you write poetic love letters to your sweetheart you write love letters that will be cherished forever. It really doesn’t matter what you write it’s what you say and how you say it. For example;
To My Dearest Sweetheart Elena, Hello my dearest Elena your love has reached my heart today, and deep in me it has come to stay, finding a home till all time meets end. In my life, you've carved a niche, leaving a mark so indelibly etched, and nothing fits to take its place.
In my future, I see your presence, in ways so loving and happily spent, feeding my dreams as I take a view of my dearest and darling Elena. To love is to share life together to build special plans just for two to work side by side and then smile with pride as one by one, our dreams all come true.
To love is to help and encourage with smiles and sincere words of praise to take time to share to listen and care in tender, affectionate ways.
To love is to have someone special one who you can always depend to be there through the years sharing laughter and tears as a partner, a lover, a friend..
To love is to make special memories of moments you love to recall of all the good things that sharing life brings love is the greatest of all.
I've learned the full meaning of sharing and caring and having my dreams all come true, the full meaning of being in love and by being and loving with you…As I hope you can plainly see my love keeps growing as I think of you. You really are my dearest Elena. Our love will grow, much stronger, and shine forever, our love will be blessed with divine power. I want to live every moment with you, I want to live every life with you, you mean so much to me no one can love me more than you.
I will give my whole life to you, promise me you will always be the same. No matter what destiny brings for us. You will always be my true lover. Our hearts meet and our love is unconditional for ever an always. I Love You, Big Daddy Cash
There is a special magic in a love letter. No matter what you say if you sign it with love the words become indelible.
To My Dearest Elena,
Hello my dearest, here I am at my keyboard trying to write a manuscript and all I can do is think of you. I can think of the words I want to say to you but for the life of me my thoughts are dead when it comes to my manuscript. So if I want to get anything done I figured I better write you a letter. When I say what’s in my mind and from my heart then I can go back to work.
Last night in my fantasy world I took you on a date trip. We flew to New York City and dined and danced at the famous Club Cabana (where all the famous movie stars go) after a epicurean delight we went to the top of the Empire State Building where I held you and kissed you as we viewed the wonder of the New York City night lights. With you in my arms the feeling of love and romance filled the atmosphere with the feeling of foreverness, love eternal. Early in the morning we went ice skating at Radio City Music Hall than we watched the Radio City Dancers parade in their magnificent costumes. It was a date meant for only me and my wonderful Elena.
Today is a beautiful day here in Salt Lake City it's a perfect day for working out in my yard. Lately I have been working in my yard a whole lot. Today I think I'll plant a vegetable garden stuff like cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peppers and squash. I’ve just the right place for my veggies underneath my Snowball bush. They’ll get plenty sun in the mornings and lots of shade in the afternoons. I want to put a few strawberry plants scattered through my Rock Gardens. I don’t have much of a green thumb so I don’t expect everything to grow, if it does than in about 5 weeks I’ll have enough of everything to supply my renters and some of my neighbors.
I don’t know whether I told you in my last letter but my little dog Charley has gone blind. I wish I could do something to make him see again but it appears to be irreversible. Poor little guy he’s really having a bad time of it. I hope that when he adjusts he regains his Feistiness.
Well my dearest Elena I have to get back to my manuscript so adios for now my love.
Forever and Unconditional,
Yours Forever, Big Daddy Cash
Bill Eager back again with a moment of truth. “Letters to Elena” written by my friend Big Daddy Cash is a collection of over two years of letters from two different cultures from two people who fell in love on the highways and byways’ of the Internet. This collection reflects an entire range of romantic emotions that can be expressed with the unique power of words. Words that I’m sure Cash and Elena will value and treasure for a life time.
Hello My Dearest Elena,
Some of the most superb feelings and tingling emotions come from what love an Angel, such as yourself, and I make, two hearts united as one. Our world, as we have come to see it, has no bearing and an infinite boundary when we are locked lips to lips in our fantasy world. No one person can sever that bond of nothing but pure affection and intimate passion. We are the Angels of Our Paradise and with merely our names to live with. A name, which consists of nothing more than symbols of a language taken for granted, the language of love. I would soon rather speak nothing. A true test of love of which we have accomplished merely by the elucidation in our eyes.
Earth moves with such apathy that only Our Heaven can keep the pace of our devotion for one another. As slow as the heart beat of a goliath at rest. Why would the world seem so passive? I believe it is a chance for us to make our own time to spend together. It is love. It is what binds the thoughts of all beings trying to understand it. It appears that you and I have fallen into love, without having looked for it. This is Heaven and we are the Angels of Our Name....two hearts united as one.
You are so beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and keep that smile I love so much on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I could tell you this everyday, you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful . Together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, my dearest Elena, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!
I can't really find the words to explain the way I feel when I get your letters or when I see your pictures... all I can say is that I like the feeling that I feel. You are a real intelligent, enchanting woman and you’ve given me the emotion explosion that sets me on fire. How lucky can one fellow be…?
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
I Love You My Darling,
Big Daddy Cash
Elena has her own unique way of sending love to her man William. She opens her heart with sweet innocence showing her love for a man that she has never met in person a love as pure as new fallen snow.
Good day my love William!!! Always having received your letter I have feeling of happiness and love. You for me the important person in my life which takes the big place in my heart. Only thinking of you
William I have hot heart and desire to be engaged with you love. I really yet did not meet you my honey William, but I feel, that you that man who will do me happy. I know, that you William feel too most and our hearts united as one. My honey William I very much missed on you, to that-that every day I think of you. I think what you William now do??? With whom you??? I really envy those people who see you and I can tell to you "Hi William!!!" But I think, that we will soon correct this situation and we can be together. You William very good man and I have understood it under your letters. You William have opened to me the heart and I am happy, that you accepted my love. I really very much worked all last week and I thought of us much. I want, that you William have gone to the hospital and said to doctors, that the care is necessary for you and you require the private nurse and consequently please cause Elena from Russia. (Smile). You William think is a good idea. I will be the good nurse, but also I will be your loving lady. You know my honey William, that the lady who to love very strongly can do very happy the man. And in my life such man is you William. I know, that you really wait for me and I know also, that you would like my love and care. Think only William that each time having come home will wait for you I your woman who loves you and wishes to have about you the big care. I ask you William my honey now reading my letter to close eyes and to think of me. You feel my hot kiss in your lips??? Yes I so do having closed eyes and having presented you William I feel your hot hands and lips which caress my raised body. You always with me. Only I ask you do not think that I crazy. (Smile). Last week was very difficult, to that-that now such weather, that constantly it would be desirable to sleep. Once I even have fallen asleep at myself in an office and it is good, that it nobody has noticed. (Smile). I hope, that you will not follow such example me. (Smile). Now we have cold enough weather and it already now + 1 celsius. But snow while is not present. On work under a uniform I carry a warm sweater, that-that sometimes to me should go to the next building of hospital behind a medicine. Before hospital ther is a park in which patients and it really very good park walk.
Sometimes I walk together with my small patients. I love the work. William I hope, that in your life all is good and if you have any questions you can set to me them. You my honey William can divide with me all problems and I will be glad to help you council. My girlfriend Valentina to which I visited yesterday asked to speak to you big hi. I wish to tell to you William very good news I finished courses of massage and now I can practice massage. Tell to me you I would like to be the first client who will have from me massage. (Smile). I wish at once William to tell to you, that as you my man whom I strongly love
massage will be with a sensuality element. I think, that you William very much would love this kind of massage. (Smile). Tell to me what you now have weather??? Today I have started to read the new book on medicine and it is interesting enough book, to that-that she is still illustrated. I very much wish to become the doctor and to arrive in the higher school. You think William at me it will turn out??? But it
is all in the future and main my purpose is a meeting with you and to do you by the happy man. William my honey I think, that we will be with you in fine pair and many your friends will admire with us. But you William will smile and speak only to the friends is my lady and I am glad, that the destiny has given to me it is chance. I think, that it will be happy time for us with you William. Each my day coming home in the evening I take a hot shower and after that I read the book or I look TV. I already said to you William, that I very much love the channel "Animal Planet" and also "Discovery". On the channel "Animal Planet" there is a transfer "Most funny animals" and always when I look this that I have very big smile. If you William have a possibility to observe this program look her to necessarily that-that it really funny. This week the director of our hospital has told to us, that all workers of hospital will go to theatre to look an opera and I very much I wish to go, to that-that I was not for a long time at theatre. Tell to me William you you love a musical opera?? think, that when we will be together I could dress a beautiful dress, and you a dress coat and we could visit an opera. Well it is my dreams which I hope we with you my honey William we will do by a reality. I constantly think of you and I am glad, that all your letters is filled by love to me. Tell to me William you it is full of desire to make a lot of pleasant to me??? I have such my dreams which do me
disseminated on work and it really very hot dreams. My colleagues are very surprised, when I simply go also I hear nothing, to that-that all my thoughts are occupied by you William. You should understand my honey William, that you have accepted a huge place in my a life. And I can shout for the whole world "Yes, I love you William!!!" My love to you William sincere and pure as Morning dew after a rain and I is
glad, that it is mutual. All my letters are frank for you, to that-that you William my unique man whom I very strongly love. I will finish the letter, to that-that I have a little got tired from the chatter. (Smile). But I hope, that my letter will do your day fine. I will wait for your letter William and remember, that only together we will be happy.
With love your gentle flower Elena.
Two Hearts United As One. William and Elena.
From Russia to America Special Delivery...
Hello my honey man William! My love William always when I receive warm
words from your letter my heart is filled with love and happiness. My
dear, my love William your words insistently help me because I really
miss on you. I ask you William remember always, that only your letters
and words help me to live and to know what be fast we can together.
You William pleasure in my life and I are happy, that I am am loved by
such man, as you William. William my honey I did not find a card which
you sent me, but I know, that they were fine. My honey William I very
much wish to come to the Internet of cafe more often, but I hope, that
you understand, that it is necessary for me to work also. I know, that
you always wait for my letter and I wish to tell to you, that I will
always write you letters my sweet and full of love. Today at us very
cold weather and already is snow. I think, that already now it is
necessary for me to start to carry warm clothes. Well basically I wish
William to tell to you, that I am am heated by your love. Tell to me
William when to you coldly you are heated by thoughts on me??? I with
pleasure would heat you and I will necessarily do it when we will be
together. I nevertheless went on an opera and it was interesting
enough. There was a lot of music and dances and I really very much
loved this opera. I also very much like to go to the cinema and
theatre and certainly I love art exhibitions. My honey in our city is
even a beer museum, but I was not there. I think, that I should visit
this museum and to look that it. (Smile). I wish to tell to you, that
my work well and almost every week I have additional work. I go and I
do inoculations and injections in-home. These are small money, but
nevertheless it helps me. My honey William I very much want, that we
were together and I will wait very much when it will happen. In last
weekend we had a holiday which "Day of the consent and reconciliation"
and very many people had the days off. But I nevertheless worked, to
that-that my small patients in hospital always require care. I would
be happy certainly if I had about you William care, to me it is
necessary for that-that, that in my life there was such man, as you
William. Oh by the way I have good news yesterday at me the flower a
rose blossomed and it is very good. I love flowers and they
practically everywhere in my house. You William should understand my
honey, that I also your gentle flower and I require your love always
to blossom. I always try to look well, to that-that it is all for you.
My heart and my body belong to you and you William the unique man in
my life which I so strongly love. I hope, that I also the unique sweet
lady in your life. In the street coldly and now having come home I
will have a hot bath, then I will sit down and I esteem the book. I
think, that today I will lay down earlier to sleep, to have dream of
you William my love. In our hospital there is a social lottery which
is played every week and it becomes to help workers of hospital. You
know William, that nurses receive very small salary and it is a
lottery helps some money. Tell you William you play a lottery??? I not
so passion lady, but once I played a lottery and have won about 10
dollars. (Smile). And I have spent this money for to go children
Valentina in cafe. We have in our city of McDonald's, but I do not
love a fast food. And consequently I ask you William my honey to eat
only good meal. When we will be together you William always will eat
only tasty meal. You love chops from meat??? I do very tasty chops of
meat and having tried once you William always will ask to make to you
it. (Smile). I very much want, that it is working week was easier and
I hope, that she will pass quickly to come again and to see yours
William the letter. You know William, that every morning I to thank
destiny, that you appeared in my life. My honey William, since that
minute as we have got acquainted my life has changed, also I am happy,
that you William have changed my life, and now I live only one dream,
it to be with you. My love I cannot without you, you necessary for me
and now I have only half of heart because second half of my heart this
your heart and I dream of when we can be together. Favourite William,
I know, that you love me, and I very much love you, and I very much
want, that we met and were happy. My honey I love you and I want, that
with you I had our first night what to fix our love. I ask you William
always remembered, that I LOVE YOU. Only your sweet lady Elena.
Two Hearts United As One. William and Elena.
Big Daddy Cash opens the door to the world of fantasy. A room where all dreams and desires are manifested.
My Dearest Elena,
In the world of dreams there is a room adorned with silver and gold and all the most valuable jewels known to man. In the middle of the room is a king size bed with a down feather mattress and pillows made from the feathers of a dove. The bed is made with the finest silk sheets the color of a dark red rose and the pillows are as white as fresh fallen snow. Each pillow is engraved with the purest gold thread one says Cash the other says Elena. I placed the loveliest rose from the garden of love upon Elena’s pillow and the rose opened wide to show the beautiful face of lovely Elena and God whispered to me that she is your goddess your queen.
In the world of dreams leading through the cut glass doors from the glorious room there is a balcony patio landscaped with all of natures most beautiful plants and flowering vines. It overlooks the valleys where the rivers flow and the waterfalls weep down into swirling pools of glory. You can view the sunset on the far arisen as it colors the sky with flaming shades of fiery hues. Far below you can see a large park with giant trees reaching up to where you are standing holding out their branches like loving arms to envelope you in safety and comfort.
If you close your eyes and relax in the atmosphere of your imagination you can hear your favorite music in magnificent rhapsodies of romantic splendor. We can dance all night holding each other and transfer our inner feelings as we look deeply into each others eyes. There is no place anywhere like this on the planet earth or anywhere in the galaxy. This is a world of dreams for only Cash and Elena.
I love you my dearest Elena… In our dream world you are mine and I am yours… We can love and lust each other and never miss a magical moment… Our minds, our bodies and our spirits are tied together bonding us forever in a fantasy that only you and I can share. May God be with you forever and may he show you my unconditional love,
Big Daddy Cash
To My Dearest Sweetheart Elena, Hello my dearest Elena your love has reached my heart today, and deep in me it has come to stay, finding a home till all time meets end. In my life, you've carved a niche, leaving a mark so indelibly etched, and nothing fits to take its place.
In my future, I see your presence, in ways so loving and happily spent, feeding my dreams as I take a view of my dearest and darling Elena. To love is to share life together to build special plans just for two to work side by side and then smile with pride as one by one, our dreams all come true.
To love is to help and encourage with smiles and sincere words of praise to take time to share to listen and care in tender, affectionate ways.
To love is to have someone special one who you can always depend to be there through the years sharing laughter and tears as a partner, a lover, a friend..
To love is to make special memories of moments you love to recall of all the good things that sharing life brings love is the greatest of all.
I've learned the full meaning of sharing and caring and having my dreams all come true, the full meaning of being in love and by being and loving with you…As I hope you can plainly see my love keeps growing as I think of you. You really are my dearest Elena. Our love will grow, much stronger, and shine forever, our love will be blessed with divine power. I want to live every moment with you, I want to live every life with you, you mean so much to me no one can love me more than you.
I will give my whole life to you, promise me you will always be the same. No matter what destiny brings for us. You will always be my true lover. Our hearts meet and our love is unconditional for ever an always. I Love You, Big Daddy Cash
There is a special magic in a love letter. No matter what you say if you sign it with love the words become indelible.
To My Dearest Elena,
Hello my dearest, here I am at my keyboard trying to write a manuscript and all I can do is think of you. I can think of the words I want to say to you but for the life of me my thoughts are dead when it comes to my manuscript. So if I want to get anything done I figured I better write you a letter. When I say what’s in my mind and from my heart then I can go back to work.
Last night in my fantasy world I took you on a date trip. We flew to New York City and dined and danced at the famous Club Cabana (where all the famous movie stars go) after a epicurean delight we went to the top of the Empire State Building where I held you and kissed you as we viewed the wonder of the New York City night lights. With you in my arms the feeling of love and romance filled the atmosphere with the feeling of foreverness, love eternal. Early in the morning we went ice skating at Radio City Music Hall than we watched the Radio City Dancers parade in their magnificent costumes. It was a date meant for only me and my wonderful Elena.
Today is a beautiful day here in Salt Lake City it's a perfect day for working out in my yard. Lately I have been working in my yard a whole lot. Today I think I'll plant a vegetable garden stuff like cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peppers and squash. I’ve just the right place for my veggies underneath my Snowball bush. They’ll get plenty sun in the mornings and lots of shade in the afternoons. I want to put a few strawberry plants scattered through my Rock Gardens. I don’t have much of a green thumb so I don’t expect everything to grow, if it does than in about 5 weeks I’ll have enough of everything to supply my renters and some of my neighbors.
I don’t know whether I told you in my last letter but my little dog Charley has gone blind. I wish I could do something to make him see again but it appears to be irreversible. Poor little guy he’s really having a bad time of it. I hope that when he adjusts he regains his Feistiness.
Well my dearest Elena I have to get back to my manuscript so adios for now my love.
Forever and Unconditional,
Yours Forever, Big Daddy Cash
Bill Eager back again with a moment of truth. “Letters to Elena” written by my friend Big Daddy Cash is a collection of over two years of letters from two different cultures from two people who fell in love on the highways and byways’ of the Internet. This collection reflects an entire range of romantic emotions that can be expressed with the unique power of words. Words that I’m sure Cash and Elena will value and treasure for a life time.
Hello My Dearest Elena,
Some of the most superb feelings and tingling emotions come from what love an Angel, such as yourself, and I make, two hearts united as one. Our world, as we have come to see it, has no bearing and an infinite boundary when we are locked lips to lips in our fantasy world. No one person can sever that bond of nothing but pure affection and intimate passion. We are the Angels of Our Paradise and with merely our names to live with. A name, which consists of nothing more than symbols of a language taken for granted, the language of love. I would soon rather speak nothing. A true test of love of which we have accomplished merely by the elucidation in our eyes.
Earth moves with such apathy that only Our Heaven can keep the pace of our devotion for one another. As slow as the heart beat of a goliath at rest. Why would the world seem so passive? I believe it is a chance for us to make our own time to spend together. It is love. It is what binds the thoughts of all beings trying to understand it. It appears that you and I have fallen into love, without having looked for it. This is Heaven and we are the Angels of Our Name....two hearts united as one.
You are so beautiful, I just wanted to do something simple to say I love you and keep that smile I love so much on your face. I want everyone to know how much you mean to me. Ever since you have entered my life, I've been flying on Cloud 9 and I have not come down yet.
I could tell you this everyday, you are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out and I see that more clearly with each passing day. I love everything about you, about us. You do something to me that no other has, you have made me so happy, the happiest I've ever been. You give me the most amazing feelings inside, the feeling of being in love with you.
I still don't know what I did to be so lucky to have you in my life, my dream come true... I am so thankful . Together, we have grown so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you, my dearest Elena, with all my heart and soul, always and forever!
I can't really find the words to explain the way I feel when I get your letters or when I see your pictures... all I can say is that I like the feeling that I feel. You are a real intelligent, enchanting woman and you’ve given me the emotion explosion that sets me on fire. How lucky can one fellow be…?
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
I Love You My Darling,
Big Daddy Cash
Elena has her own unique way of sending love to her man William. She opens her heart with sweet innocence showing her love for a man that she has never met in person a love as pure as new fallen snow.
Good day my love William!!! Always having received your letter I have feeling of happiness and love. You for me the important person in my life which takes the big place in my heart. Only thinking of you
William I have hot heart and desire to be engaged with you love. I really yet did not meet you my honey William, but I feel, that you that man who will do me happy. I know, that you William feel too most and our hearts united as one. My honey William I very much missed on you, to that-that every day I think of you. I think what you William now do??? With whom you??? I really envy those people who see you and I can tell to you "Hi William!!!" But I think, that we will soon correct this situation and we can be together. You William very good man and I have understood it under your letters. You William have opened to me the heart and I am happy, that you accepted my love. I really very much worked all last week and I thought of us much. I want, that you William have gone to the hospital and said to doctors, that the care is necessary for you and you require the private nurse and consequently please cause Elena from Russia. (Smile). You William think is a good idea. I will be the good nurse, but also I will be your loving lady. You know my honey William, that the lady who to love very strongly can do very happy the man. And in my life such man is you William. I know, that you really wait for me and I know also, that you would like my love and care. Think only William that each time having come home will wait for you I your woman who loves you and wishes to have about you the big care. I ask you William my honey now reading my letter to close eyes and to think of me. You feel my hot kiss in your lips??? Yes I so do having closed eyes and having presented you William I feel your hot hands and lips which caress my raised body. You always with me. Only I ask you do not think that I crazy. (Smile). Last week was very difficult, to that-that now such weather, that constantly it would be desirable to sleep. Once I even have fallen asleep at myself in an office and it is good, that it nobody has noticed. (Smile). I hope, that you will not follow such example me. (Smile). Now we have cold enough weather and it already now + 1 celsius. But snow while is not present. On work under a uniform I carry a warm sweater, that-that sometimes to me should go to the next building of hospital behind a medicine. Before hospital ther is a park in which patients and it really very good park walk.
Sometimes I walk together with my small patients. I love the work. William I hope, that in your life all is good and if you have any questions you can set to me them. You my honey William can divide with me all problems and I will be glad to help you council. My girlfriend Valentina to which I visited yesterday asked to speak to you big hi. I wish to tell to you William very good news I finished courses of massage and now I can practice massage. Tell to me you I would like to be the first client who will have from me massage. (Smile). I wish at once William to tell to you, that as you my man whom I strongly love
massage will be with a sensuality element. I think, that you William very much would love this kind of massage. (Smile). Tell to me what you now have weather??? Today I have started to read the new book on medicine and it is interesting enough book, to that-that she is still illustrated. I very much wish to become the doctor and to arrive in the higher school. You think William at me it will turn out??? But it
is all in the future and main my purpose is a meeting with you and to do you by the happy man. William my honey I think, that we will be with you in fine pair and many your friends will admire with us. But you William will smile and speak only to the friends is my lady and I am glad, that the destiny has given to me it is chance. I think, that it will be happy time for us with you William. Each my day coming home in the evening I take a hot shower and after that I read the book or I look TV. I already said to you William, that I very much love the channel "Animal Planet" and also "Discovery". On the channel "Animal Planet" there is a transfer "Most funny animals" and always when I look this that I have very big smile. If you William have a possibility to observe this program look her to necessarily that-that it really funny. This week the director of our hospital has told to us, that all workers of hospital will go to theatre to look an opera and I very much I wish to go, to that-that I was not for a long time at theatre. Tell to me William you you love a musical opera?? think, that when we will be together I could dress a beautiful dress, and you a dress coat and we could visit an opera. Well it is my dreams which I hope we with you my honey William we will do by a reality. I constantly think of you and I am glad, that all your letters is filled by love to me. Tell to me William you it is full of desire to make a lot of pleasant to me??? I have such my dreams which do me
disseminated on work and it really very hot dreams. My colleagues are very surprised, when I simply go also I hear nothing, to that-that all my thoughts are occupied by you William. You should understand my honey William, that you have accepted a huge place in my a life. And I can shout for the whole world "Yes, I love you William!!!" My love to you William sincere and pure as Morning dew after a rain and I is
glad, that it is mutual. All my letters are frank for you, to that-that you William my unique man whom I very strongly love. I will finish the letter, to that-that I have a little got tired from the chatter. (Smile). But I hope, that my letter will do your day fine. I will wait for your letter William and remember, that only together we will be happy.
With love your gentle flower Elena.
Two Hearts United As One. William and Elena.
From Russia to America Special Delivery...
Hello my honey man William! My love William always when I receive warm
words from your letter my heart is filled with love and happiness. My
dear, my love William your words insistently help me because I really
miss on you. I ask you William remember always, that only your letters
and words help me to live and to know what be fast we can together.
You William pleasure in my life and I are happy, that I am am loved by
such man, as you William. William my honey I did not find a card which
you sent me, but I know, that they were fine. My honey William I very
much wish to come to the Internet of cafe more often, but I hope, that
you understand, that it is necessary for me to work also. I know, that
you always wait for my letter and I wish to tell to you, that I will
always write you letters my sweet and full of love. Today at us very
cold weather and already is snow. I think, that already now it is
necessary for me to start to carry warm clothes. Well basically I wish
William to tell to you, that I am am heated by your love. Tell to me
William when to you coldly you are heated by thoughts on me??? I with
pleasure would heat you and I will necessarily do it when we will be
together. I nevertheless went on an opera and it was interesting
enough. There was a lot of music and dances and I really very much
loved this opera. I also very much like to go to the cinema and
theatre and certainly I love art exhibitions. My honey in our city is
even a beer museum, but I was not there. I think, that I should visit
this museum and to look that it. (Smile). I wish to tell to you, that
my work well and almost every week I have additional work. I go and I
do inoculations and injections in-home. These are small money, but
nevertheless it helps me. My honey William I very much want, that we
were together and I will wait very much when it will happen. In last
weekend we had a holiday which "Day of the consent and reconciliation"
and very many people had the days off. But I nevertheless worked, to
that-that my small patients in hospital always require care. I would
be happy certainly if I had about you William care, to me it is
necessary for that-that, that in my life there was such man, as you
William. Oh by the way I have good news yesterday at me the flower a
rose blossomed and it is very good. I love flowers and they
practically everywhere in my house. You William should understand my
honey, that I also your gentle flower and I require your love always
to blossom. I always try to look well, to that-that it is all for you.
My heart and my body belong to you and you William the unique man in
my life which I so strongly love. I hope, that I also the unique sweet
lady in your life. In the street coldly and now having come home I
will have a hot bath, then I will sit down and I esteem the book. I
think, that today I will lay down earlier to sleep, to have dream of
you William my love. In our hospital there is a social lottery which
is played every week and it becomes to help workers of hospital. You
know William, that nurses receive very small salary and it is a
lottery helps some money. Tell you William you play a lottery??? I not
so passion lady, but once I played a lottery and have won about 10
dollars. (Smile). And I have spent this money for to go children
Valentina in cafe. We have in our city of McDonald's, but I do not
love a fast food. And consequently I ask you William my honey to eat
only good meal. When we will be together you William always will eat
only tasty meal. You love chops from meat??? I do very tasty chops of
meat and having tried once you William always will ask to make to you
it. (Smile). I very much want, that it is working week was easier and
I hope, that she will pass quickly to come again and to see yours
William the letter. You know William, that every morning I to thank
destiny, that you appeared in my life. My honey William, since that
minute as we have got acquainted my life has changed, also I am happy,
that you William have changed my life, and now I live only one dream,
it to be with you. My love I cannot without you, you necessary for me
and now I have only half of heart because second half of my heart this
your heart and I dream of when we can be together. Favourite William,
I know, that you love me, and I very much love you, and I very much
want, that we met and were happy. My honey I love you and I want, that
with you I had our first night what to fix our love. I ask you William
always remembered, that I LOVE YOU. Only your sweet lady Elena.
Two Hearts United As One. William and Elena.
Big Daddy Cash opens the door to the world of fantasy. A room where all dreams and desires are manifested.
My Dearest Elena,
In the world of dreams there is a room adorned with silver and gold and all the most valuable jewels known to man. In the middle of the room is a king size bed with a down feather mattress and pillows made from the feathers of a dove. The bed is made with the finest silk sheets the color of a dark red rose and the pillows are as white as fresh fallen snow. Each pillow is engraved with the purest gold thread one says Cash the other says Elena. I placed the loveliest rose from the garden of love upon Elena’s pillow and the rose opened wide to show the beautiful face of lovely Elena and God whispered to me that she is your goddess your queen.
In the world of dreams leading through the cut glass doors from the glorious room there is a balcony patio landscaped with all of natures most beautiful plants and flowering vines. It overlooks the valleys where the rivers flow and the waterfalls weep down into swirling pools of glory. You can view the sunset on the far arisen as it colors the sky with flaming shades of fiery hues. Far below you can see a large park with giant trees reaching up to where you are standing holding out their branches like loving arms to envelope you in safety and comfort.
If you close your eyes and relax in the atmosphere of your imagination you can hear your favorite music in magnificent rhapsodies of romantic splendor. We can dance all night holding each other and transfer our inner feelings as we look deeply into each others eyes. There is no place anywhere like this on the planet earth or anywhere in the galaxy. This is a world of dreams for only Cash and Elena.
I love you my dearest Elena… In our dream world you are mine and I am yours… We can love and lust each other and never miss a magical moment… Our minds, our bodies and our spirits are tied together bonding us forever in a fantasy that only you and I can share. May God be with you forever and may he show you my unconditional love,
Big Daddy Cash
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