Hello this is Bill Eager through out "Love Letters to Elena" I'll edit and narrate for your convenience. This is a true and ongoing story of a love affair on the internet. All of the letters are original, presented just as they were written. We haven’t corrected the grammar or the spelling so accept them just as they are.
Elena doesn’t have a computer; very few of the common people in Russia can afford a computer. So if Elena wants to surf the net she has to do it at a place called the Internet Café. The café is where she likes to relax after a long day of nursing and she loves to use the computer. Mostly she likes writing to her pen pal William, we know William as Big Daddy Cash. Let's look in on Elena as she visits the Internet Cafe.
'Elena', Speaking to her subconscious mind.
Today seemed to be much longer than most. Today is the day for Williams letter. Why can’t I get him off my mind? Why do I feel that he‘s more than a pen pal?. Why is he so different than the Russian men I know? Is it his wit, his charm or is it his unusual letters? Tell me my heart, tell me mind, I need to know. It was that last letter that started me thinking. It was so childish yet it was entertaining, I’ve never got a letter like that, it caused me to laugh, to cry and to wonder. Tell me mind, what’s inside this man that makes him so unique. Well, I better hurry if I want to get to the Internet Café before it closes.
Afon is the proprietor of the Internet Café, he’s just getting ready to lock the doors when he sees Elena running towards him. She hollers “Afon…Afon, Please don’t close yet” Afon smiles and thinks to himself, What a pretty girl!!
“ Hi Elena, your late.”
"I came to check my e-mail and write to William. Is it Okay”
“ You are my special customer Elena you can come in and stay as long as you want.”
Elena stepped inside the door than turned a round to take in the vista of the sun setting on the Volga River. She thought to herself
*I wish William were here to see this beautiful sight*
Then she walked in and sat down at the computer. She looked over at Afon and said;
“Afon could you please help me with the English words.
Afon laughed and said;
“I think you got a crush on that guy.”
Elena smiled and said;
“ He’s not just a guy, he’s my William.”
And they both laughed! Elena thought to herself, Why do I call him My William? He’s not My William he’s just another guy.
Elena gives out a happy hoot and a holler;
“Afon… It’s here! It’s Here!” She opens it and starts to read…
My Dearest Elena,
The answer to your first question is easy. Of course I love corresponding with you. Your dialogue is a channel of communication that lightens and brightens my heart. The only thing better then receiving your letter would be a gentle hug and a simple kiss on the cheek.
The Internet Café sounds like it is your special place to find sanctuary. A Safe Haven where you can find peace of mind and serenity. I’m glad you have a place like that to relax and relieve your daily burdens.
When I’m tired and the pressures of my day are overwhelming I love to take my guitar and go sit under my weeping willow tree (with my loving little critters) and sing my problems away. I’ve written several songs that fit my moods and express my feelings. You might say that reminiscing is my Safe Haven.
You Russians celebrate more holidays than Hallmark Greeting Cards. It is just one more reason to pull the cork out of the vodka bottle. I know there is a big difference between Russia and America and what holidays they celebrate and don’t. I know that you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day and that you don’t celebrate any of the ethnic holidays that America has like St. Patrick’s Day, Columbus Day, or Martin Luther King Day, although I’m sure that you could get behind the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, specially Valentina's husband. The reason I bring this up Elena, is that in your letter you mentioned celebrating a holiday and I’m not aware of a Russian holiday this month. If you mentioned this in a prior letter I must have missed it, Sorry.
Thanksgiving day is my favorite holiday and to my knowledge that’s a day you don’t celebrate in Russia. It is the one day here in America that we give thanks for all the blessings we have received.(freedom of religion, of speech, and of repression.) I love giving gifts at Christmas time and on birthdays. I also loved to send flowers as a reminder to the receiver, of my love. If you were here in America you’d more then likely get flowers from me at least once a week.
My Dear Elena, the way you use words always accelerates a pleasure in me that is hard to explain. Phrases like, I have wonderful mood, emotion explosion, having great joy, like beautiful fairy tale, you light me life and give me a great energy, to connect with you, these written emotions come from inside a very special person. I love receiving your letters and exchanging thoughts with you. That is my attitude to our correspondence.
Here in my country, especially in my city, July is a very important month. The 4th of July is independence day, the day we all celibrate our constitutional right to be Free. All through the month fireworks are displayed in magnificeint glory and parties galore in the public parks and private homes of all the free thankful people. My brother Clintons birthday is on the 9th of July and I'm thankful that he's still around because we almost lost him a few months ago when he had a heart attack. The 24th of July is when Salt Lake City was founded by a group of Mormon pioneers. Today, It's Utahs capital city and the home of almost a quarter million residents. So my dear Elena that's why us Salt Lakers view July as the most important month of the year.
Dear Elena you've asked me several times to tell you about the city I call my home. I've told you some but here's a little more trivia you might find interesting. In 1847, a group of Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young, headed out on a journey across the land with covered wagons and handcarts, determined to make a life in the west. They began the journey because they were suffering religious persecution where they were living in Nauvoo, Illinois. It is said that as Brigham Young gazed out on the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, he proclaimed "This is the Place".
To make it through their first, most critical winter, they immediately planted crops so they could survive the winter, since they were all alone with no supplies or established trade route.
They were inundated by a plague of crickets which started eating the crops and threatened thier survival. But just when hope seemed gone, the seagulls swarmed in and ate the crickets. It was proclaimed that the miracle was an act of God, and the seagull was designated the state bird.
The Mormon Pioneers, originally named the area we now know as Utah, "Deseret", but the name was changed when they joined with the other states in the union and the state was officially named Utah.
For the 150 year anniversary (in 1997), a group of people made the trek from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City with handcarts and covered wagons and dressed in the traditional style. This was a sight to behold and I witnessed it as they crossed the summit and gathered around the "This is the place monument."
Well, My Dear Elena, as you can see, I’ve kept our appointment. You’ll find my letter in your email tonight when you get to the Café. I Love you my friend, Big Daddy Cash
Elena in thought;
Here I am again. Talking to my self. I know William loves me I can just feel it. He says he loves me as a friend but in my heart I know he wants me to be more then a friend. He said in the first part of his letter that the only thing better than a letter from me would be a hug and a kiss. I wonder, did he really mean that or was he just trying to impress me or make me feel good? I’m so confused, just thinking about him excites me but is it love or lust.
“Yes Elena, can I help you with something”
“Is it to late for me to write a letter to William.”
“I’m in no hurry and I told you, you could stay as long as you wanted.”
“Oh, Thank you Afon.”
Again, she thought to herself;
Oh, I know I’ve fallen in love with him, I so long for his touch. If he were here a whisper in my ear would settle my emotions.
“Afon, This is going to be a hard letter for me to write. Will you help me find the right words.”
“Sure honey, anything you want.”
My Dear William
Hello William, my dear friend! I am happy to write you again.I was glad to know about it. I want to tell you William that it becomes more
and more interesting for me to communicate with you. I think it is so great. I hope that you have the same feelings. And if it is so, it is very wonderful that two people get pleasure from communicating with each other. There are only a few people with whom I can feel so freely
and pleasantly as with you. It is surprising that there is the man in the world who is so far from me but has such a close and native soul.
Oh, how it is wonderful! What do you think of my words? It happens so that I feel the warmth communicating with someone. And I feel it with
you. It is very cold here, but you warm me and my heart, despite of a lot of kilometers between us… When we began to correspond I didn’t
even expect that it will be so! I am happy! Today I met my friend Valentina (Valya). She asked me to say you hello. We were talking a lot, including about you William. She said that she was so happy that we have a wonderful correspondence. I was very joyful after the talk
with her. She wished a lot of pleasant things. She is so glad for me and she want me be very fine. We always so worry about each other,
take care. I don’t know what I would do without my dear friend. She always helps me. She is with me in trouble and in joy (I have written you this). I can tell you a little about her. She is married, she has 3 children. Her family is big, but not almost happy, because her husband drinks, very often he can is in the bar, he spend on drink all his salary. Valentina wanted to divorce but she couldn’t do it because
of children. She has a lot of difficult life, but nobody knows about this. She always looks very cheerful. Only I know everything about her life. She is very strong person. I can’t imagine my life without her. She has a wonderful and clever, well-educated children, I love them very much. I try to indulge them when I have the possibility on it.
They have a big and nice black dog. Do you have a pet? If yes, what pet? What is your attitude to home animals? And as for me I like
animals and especially I love home animals. My most favorite pet the dog, but certainly I love cats, but less. I love dogs for their fidelity, faithfulness. They are so open and tender. I like dogs maybe because I value the same the in the people: fidelity, fidelity, openness, tenderness. I remember that in childhood there were always
animals in our house. But now unfortunately I have no the possibility to have a pet. I live in the one room flat and the lodger lives with me. I have been constrained to start up her on an apartment to survive with such a small salary as I have. I didn’t see any decision of this problem, but this money is not enough… Don’t think I am greedy. It is so because my salary is too small to live. Almost every month I help my friend with finance, because her children need many things. I understand her situation and that is why I help her. It is difficult to live in Russia, but we do not surrender. It is necessary to be strong if you want to live! And also I think we must not forget our close and dear people. Do you William agree with me? I am sorry dear I need togo, because I have a additional earnings - I make the injections to patients at home. And I have to go. Please, forgive me!
I hope you will answer me soon! I will wait for it! Bye-bye! Yours Elena.
P.S. I Think I Love You William. I'm sending you a picture of Valya and me,I hope you like.
Elena doesn’t have a computer; very few of the common people in Russia can afford a computer. So if Elena wants to surf the net she has to do it at a place called the Internet Café. The café is where she likes to relax after a long day of nursing and she loves to use the computer. Mostly she likes writing to her pen pal William, we know William as Big Daddy Cash. Let's look in on Elena as she visits the Internet Cafe.
'Elena', Speaking to her subconscious mind.
Today seemed to be much longer than most. Today is the day for Williams letter. Why can’t I get him off my mind? Why do I feel that he‘s more than a pen pal?. Why is he so different than the Russian men I know? Is it his wit, his charm or is it his unusual letters? Tell me my heart, tell me mind, I need to know. It was that last letter that started me thinking. It was so childish yet it was entertaining, I’ve never got a letter like that, it caused me to laugh, to cry and to wonder. Tell me mind, what’s inside this man that makes him so unique. Well, I better hurry if I want to get to the Internet Café before it closes.
Afon is the proprietor of the Internet Café, he’s just getting ready to lock the doors when he sees Elena running towards him. She hollers “Afon…Afon, Please don’t close yet” Afon smiles and thinks to himself, What a pretty girl!!
“ Hi Elena, your late.”
"I came to check my e-mail and write to William. Is it Okay”
“ You are my special customer Elena you can come in and stay as long as you want.”
Elena stepped inside the door than turned a round to take in the vista of the sun setting on the Volga River. She thought to herself
*I wish William were here to see this beautiful sight*
Then she walked in and sat down at the computer. She looked over at Afon and said;
“Afon could you please help me with the English words.
Afon laughed and said;
“I think you got a crush on that guy.”
Elena smiled and said;
“ He’s not just a guy, he’s my William.”
And they both laughed! Elena thought to herself, Why do I call him My William? He’s not My William he’s just another guy.
Elena gives out a happy hoot and a holler;
“Afon… It’s here! It’s Here!” She opens it and starts to read…
My Dearest Elena,
The answer to your first question is easy. Of course I love corresponding with you. Your dialogue is a channel of communication that lightens and brightens my heart. The only thing better then receiving your letter would be a gentle hug and a simple kiss on the cheek.
The Internet Café sounds like it is your special place to find sanctuary. A Safe Haven where you can find peace of mind and serenity. I’m glad you have a place like that to relax and relieve your daily burdens.
When I’m tired and the pressures of my day are overwhelming I love to take my guitar and go sit under my weeping willow tree (with my loving little critters) and sing my problems away. I’ve written several songs that fit my moods and express my feelings. You might say that reminiscing is my Safe Haven.
You Russians celebrate more holidays than Hallmark Greeting Cards. It is just one more reason to pull the cork out of the vodka bottle. I know there is a big difference between Russia and America and what holidays they celebrate and don’t. I know that you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day, Mother’s Day, or Father’s Day and that you don’t celebrate any of the ethnic holidays that America has like St. Patrick’s Day, Columbus Day, or Martin Luther King Day, although I’m sure that you could get behind the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, specially Valentina's husband. The reason I bring this up Elena, is that in your letter you mentioned celebrating a holiday and I’m not aware of a Russian holiday this month. If you mentioned this in a prior letter I must have missed it, Sorry.
Thanksgiving day is my favorite holiday and to my knowledge that’s a day you don’t celebrate in Russia. It is the one day here in America that we give thanks for all the blessings we have received.(freedom of religion, of speech, and of repression.) I love giving gifts at Christmas time and on birthdays. I also loved to send flowers as a reminder to the receiver, of my love. If you were here in America you’d more then likely get flowers from me at least once a week.
My Dear Elena, the way you use words always accelerates a pleasure in me that is hard to explain. Phrases like, I have wonderful mood, emotion explosion, having great joy, like beautiful fairy tale, you light me life and give me a great energy, to connect with you, these written emotions come from inside a very special person. I love receiving your letters and exchanging thoughts with you. That is my attitude to our correspondence.
Here in my country, especially in my city, July is a very important month. The 4th of July is independence day, the day we all celibrate our constitutional right to be Free. All through the month fireworks are displayed in magnificeint glory and parties galore in the public parks and private homes of all the free thankful people. My brother Clintons birthday is on the 9th of July and I'm thankful that he's still around because we almost lost him a few months ago when he had a heart attack. The 24th of July is when Salt Lake City was founded by a group of Mormon pioneers. Today, It's Utahs capital city and the home of almost a quarter million residents. So my dear Elena that's why us Salt Lakers view July as the most important month of the year.
Dear Elena you've asked me several times to tell you about the city I call my home. I've told you some but here's a little more trivia you might find interesting. In 1847, a group of Mormon pioneers, led by Brigham Young, headed out on a journey across the land with covered wagons and handcarts, determined to make a life in the west. They began the journey because they were suffering religious persecution where they were living in Nauvoo, Illinois. It is said that as Brigham Young gazed out on the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, he proclaimed "This is the Place".
To make it through their first, most critical winter, they immediately planted crops so they could survive the winter, since they were all alone with no supplies or established trade route.
They were inundated by a plague of crickets which started eating the crops and threatened thier survival. But just when hope seemed gone, the seagulls swarmed in and ate the crickets. It was proclaimed that the miracle was an act of God, and the seagull was designated the state bird.
The Mormon Pioneers, originally named the area we now know as Utah, "Deseret", but the name was changed when they joined with the other states in the union and the state was officially named Utah.
For the 150 year anniversary (in 1997), a group of people made the trek from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City with handcarts and covered wagons and dressed in the traditional style. This was a sight to behold and I witnessed it as they crossed the summit and gathered around the "This is the place monument."
Well, My Dear Elena, as you can see, I’ve kept our appointment. You’ll find my letter in your email tonight when you get to the Café. I Love you my friend, Big Daddy Cash
Elena in thought;
Here I am again. Talking to my self. I know William loves me I can just feel it. He says he loves me as a friend but in my heart I know he wants me to be more then a friend. He said in the first part of his letter that the only thing better than a letter from me would be a hug and a kiss. I wonder, did he really mean that or was he just trying to impress me or make me feel good? I’m so confused, just thinking about him excites me but is it love or lust.
“Yes Elena, can I help you with something”
“Is it to late for me to write a letter to William.”
“I’m in no hurry and I told you, you could stay as long as you wanted.”
“Oh, Thank you Afon.”
Again, she thought to herself;
Oh, I know I’ve fallen in love with him, I so long for his touch. If he were here a whisper in my ear would settle my emotions.
“Afon, This is going to be a hard letter for me to write. Will you help me find the right words.”
“Sure honey, anything you want.”
My Dear William
Hello William, my dear friend! I am happy to write you again.I was glad to know about it. I want to tell you William that it becomes more
and more interesting for me to communicate with you. I think it is so great. I hope that you have the same feelings. And if it is so, it is very wonderful that two people get pleasure from communicating with each other. There are only a few people with whom I can feel so freely
and pleasantly as with you. It is surprising that there is the man in the world who is so far from me but has such a close and native soul.
Oh, how it is wonderful! What do you think of my words? It happens so that I feel the warmth communicating with someone. And I feel it with
you. It is very cold here, but you warm me and my heart, despite of a lot of kilometers between us… When we began to correspond I didn’t
even expect that it will be so! I am happy! Today I met my friend Valentina (Valya). She asked me to say you hello. We were talking a lot, including about you William. She said that she was so happy that we have a wonderful correspondence. I was very joyful after the talk
with her. She wished a lot of pleasant things. She is so glad for me and she want me be very fine. We always so worry about each other,
take care. I don’t know what I would do without my dear friend. She always helps me. She is with me in trouble and in joy (I have written you this). I can tell you a little about her. She is married, she has 3 children. Her family is big, but not almost happy, because her husband drinks, very often he can is in the bar, he spend on drink all his salary. Valentina wanted to divorce but she couldn’t do it because
of children. She has a lot of difficult life, but nobody knows about this. She always looks very cheerful. Only I know everything about her life. She is very strong person. I can’t imagine my life without her. She has a wonderful and clever, well-educated children, I love them very much. I try to indulge them when I have the possibility on it.
They have a big and nice black dog. Do you have a pet? If yes, what pet? What is your attitude to home animals? And as for me I like
animals and especially I love home animals. My most favorite pet the dog, but certainly I love cats, but less. I love dogs for their fidelity, faithfulness. They are so open and tender. I like dogs maybe because I value the same the in the people: fidelity, fidelity, openness, tenderness. I remember that in childhood there were always
animals in our house. But now unfortunately I have no the possibility to have a pet. I live in the one room flat and the lodger lives with me. I have been constrained to start up her on an apartment to survive with such a small salary as I have. I didn’t see any decision of this problem, but this money is not enough… Don’t think I am greedy. It is so because my salary is too small to live. Almost every month I help my friend with finance, because her children need many things. I understand her situation and that is why I help her. It is difficult to live in Russia, but we do not surrender. It is necessary to be strong if you want to live! And also I think we must not forget our close and dear people. Do you William agree with me? I am sorry dear I need togo, because I have a additional earnings - I make the injections to patients at home. And I have to go. Please, forgive me!
I hope you will answer me soon! I will wait for it! Bye-bye! Yours Elena.
P.S. I Think I Love You William. I'm sending you a picture of Valya and me,I hope you like.
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